Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Toys for Christmas ... that may interest you. - Productivity & Pleasure

I got a few new toys for Christmas that I will post reviews on, just that basic user stuff and anything unusual that I think would be of interest to the everyday user.

Sony PSP - not really mine, each of my kids got one.
Palm TX - wife bought me one and got one for herself from me (you know how that is if you are married :)).
Belkin Pre-N Wireless router - finally wireless, for use with the 2 Palm TXs, the 2 PSPs and anything else that I can find in the house willing to connect :).

I have been messing with some software as well. Software for the PC, PSP and the Palm. So I'll do some posts about them.

Time simply did not allow for any meaningful posts and I really didn't have anything that was shouting out at me. But dispite my long break from posting, I have been actively looking for material that I think would be of interest.

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