Thursday, October 20, 2005

Doinit online - Another online utility to make you go aaaaahhhh!
Do you have a decent internet connection? Even better you joined the those of us with a life and now have broadband. Well now that you have broadband you must have been feeling that always on itch! Well if you want to give it a scratch here is a starter. AirSet ( is an online utility that offers some order to your presently organized ....but fixed located life.

If you use Microsoft Outlook or similar organizer/email client then you should be aware of a number of limitations. Ok so those of you who have a laptop or haven't had it stolen are a bit better off but just slightly.

For those of you who have a really nice contact list, and schedule appointments, tasks etc. picture for one little instant that that list was to go bye bye with a computer crash. There ....did you feel that cold dull ache in the base of your stomach? That feeling of total loss. You get the same feeling when that large tightly pack list of names and numbers goes missing .... along with that well used cell phone.

I have said all this ... not to entertain you .... but to remind all of us who don't have the MOST VALUABLE information backed up just how important it really is.

So let's do something about it .... by giving that worry to people who secure information for a living and who have the tools to do it right. That's right all those online servies are a more secure media than that PC you own and operate.

AirSet offers for free: Calendars - Contacts - Lists - Blogs - WebLinks all in a easy to use format ... online. Then they don't stop there...they put some very nice spins on this wicked little worker.

AirSet is excellent for individual, groups and the small business/office, who need to share ... appointments, contacts etc..

How about a robotic assistant .... one that emails you reminders of the up coming appointments.

You can setup groups to share your the information .... you can even load calendars on your website.

Downside...... one very big one ..... if their servers go down or you lose your internet connection ...... you can't access your data. They do however provide tools that allow you to download info to your desktop.


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